What is happening during the
changeover period?

During the changeover month, we will continue to review referrals. However, for difficulties such as those shown below, it is likely that self-help guides or signposting to another service will be recommended. (click on the bullet points for helpful website links)

• covid-19 related anxiety
• phobias
• low level behaviour difficulties
• parenting concerns
• bereavement
• bullying and friendships
• self-esteem/confidence issues.

If difficulties persist or get worse, do get in touch with us again after 1st April 2021.

Please be assured that referrals for children with greater urgency, risk or need will continue to be reviewed by our staff team, daily.

There is a lot of useful information for parents/carers on our Website (the Link will open in a new tab).

We are still based in Ethelbert Road - nothing about the Bromley Y Charity itself will change and the important thing is that we are still here to help you and your family.

What should I do if immediate and urgent help is needed?

If your child or young person’s life or the life of someone else is in danger, please call the emergency services 999

If you are concerned about an immediate safety risk to do with a young person’s mental health, please use the Oxleas Urgent Advice line on 0800 330 8590 Mon-Fri 9-5pm.

Outside of these hours, please use the South London Partnership Crisis Line -020 3228 5980 Monday to Friday 5pm-10pm and Saturday to Sunday 9am to 10pm.

Where else can I go for help?

For young people age 11+ with low level anxiety and low mood:

Bromley Y website self-help pages https://bromley-y.org/for-children.html  
Kooth - online support https://www.kooth.com/
Young Minds - website advice and support https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/feelings-and-symptoms/
The Mix – website advice and support https://www.themix.org.uk/

For parents of children of all ages

Bromley Y website self-help pages https://bromley-y.org/for-parents-carers.html
Anna Freud - website advice https://www.annafreud.org/parents/
Qwell (An Adult Mental Health Service run by the same people as Kooth) - online support http://www.qwell.io/ or https://www.wellaware.org.uk/organisation/qwell-online-counselling-and-well-being-for-adults/

What support is provided for vulnerable groups?

We will still review referrals for children with an EHCP or with a learning disability, Children Looked After, Care Leavers and children on Child Protection Plans or those with any safeguarding issues.

For children with social communication difficulties and ADHD:

Young Minds – website advice

Bromley Children Project - service

Bromley Mencap - service http://www.bromleymencap.org.uk/

Community Paediatricians – Phoenix Centre (referrals can be made by GPs and Schools) https://www.bromleyhealthcare.org.uk/explore-our-services/community-paediatricians/

Independent Registered Charity No. 291181 Company No. 1844941

Our Governance


17 Ethelbert Road,

020 3770 8848
Lines are open 9-5pm Mon-Friday
Closed Bank Holidays & Sundays
Bromley Y is not a crisis service

Other Help Lines
  • Childline 0800 1111
  • Samaritans 116 123
  • Saneline 0300 304 7000
  • HOPElink UK 0800 068 4141
  • CAMHS crisis line: 020 3229 5980 is open 9-11pm 365 days per year